Shannen heeft in een instgrampost laten weten tegen het huidige cancel cultuur die we recent in de media zien, dit omdat ze vinden dat iedereen recht heeft op zijn eigen mening. Ze vind niet dat we allemaal precies dezelfde mening hoeven te delen, en dat mensen daardoor nu angst ervaren om zich uit te spreken uit om eventuele gevolgen te voorkomen.
It’s been a bit. I know. Obviously I’ve had some battles to fight. Some not done yet. I’ve also just been in observation mode. Observing what our world is becoming. What my country is becoming and listening. I do have a lot to say. I have strong opinions on it all, even in the ridiculous cancel culture we live in, I still will always have my own opinion regardless of what others think. I am trying to figure out my own voice and how to express it. I see so much hatred and pain. Animals being poached. Game reserves dehorning rhinos just to keep them alive. Lions raised for their bones, morons hunting what they don’t eat. People dumping animals at shelter because it no longer fits their lifestyle. Babies being dumped in dumpsters. Homeless situation growing. War on the horizon. People left behind. Human rights over looked. Cancel culture….so over it. We are entitled to our opinions. We do NOT all have to think the same. It’s disturbing that anyone feels compelled to be silent in fear of repercussions (unless you’re a racist ass then yeah be quiet) but we are human. We think, feel, believe differently and that should be valued by all. Again, I’m just thinking, listening, observing. And maybe, just maybe contemplating doing a truly honest podcast about it all cause i am tired of only two voices. Their is a third. Even a fourth. For now, I wish you all peace, compassion and respect for ALL living things.